Melt Clarification
Melt clarification is having significant interest by the sugar industry to produce higher quality plantation white sugar/refined sugar with lower IU color and without sulfur dioxide.
Automation :( PLC/DCS based automation)
- Melt flow stabilization by flow meter and VFD.
- Auto dosing of chemicals in correlation with melt flow with VFD.
- Temperature control.
- Ph control.
- Level control.
- VFD for the scum removing scraper drive.
Salient feature of the melt clarification system:
- Fully automated.
- Easy to operate.
- Brilliant clarified melt.
- Reduction of turbidity up to 95%.
- Reduction of melt IU color up to 50%.
- Removal of maximum Bagacillo and suspended solids.
- Reduction of viscosity of melt and further process material.
- Faster crystallization, higher exhaustion and lesser final molasses purity.
- Better output from centrifugals due to less viscosity of massecuite.
- High quality sugar without sulphure dioxide.
- Lower IU color sugar.
- Better keeping quality of sugar.