Evaporator & Dryer to Achieve Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge
Shrijee provides evaporation system to achieve a zero-liquid pollution discharge. This is important for running distillery and also safe for Environment. We provide solution - Waste to Re-Use.
We have Technologies for Handling Raw/ Bio-methanated - spent wash / vinasses to achieve zero liquid discharge with lowest possible OPEX and minimum possible CAPEX.
Highlights of System:
- Proven technology and ZLD to re-cycle approach.
- Heat integration for low steam consumption.
- Less shut down for CIP.
- Integrated evaporation scheme (Evaporation without Steam).
- Stand alone evaporation scheme.
- Concentration up to 5 % moisture and converting in to Powder form.
- Recycle of Process condensate in process through Condensate Polishing Unit(CPU).